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Then join this programme to learn about the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure Label and train to verify projects against the label!
To submit your Expression of Interest or to join the Q&A session, scroll down to Practical Information
The Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB), as the Label’s Secretariat, is opening this new training programme to Verification Bodies that comply with specific requirements. You can join the programme if:
The FAST-Infra Label is a credible, consistent, and globally applicable labelling system designed to identify and evaluate sustainable infrastructure projects. The overarching objective of the Label is to support infrastructure and create a liquid asset class of sustainable infrastructure. The Fast-Infra Label’s comprehensive framework is based on four ‘dimensions’ of sustainability (environmental, social, governance and resilience), bringing together existing standards, frameworks and taxonomies. Application of the FAST-Infra Label enables comparability of metrics across sustainable infrastructure assets. It informs developers of best practices and streamlines their ability to get an initial review before financing a sustainable infrastructure project. The label has released a Dimensions and Indicator Framework with cross-sectoral applicability, along with sector-specific indicators (currently available for wind and PV infrastructure projects).
The label and Data Repository are an initiative of the FAST-Infra Group, an association that brings together state and public institutions, private industrial and financial players, multilateral institutions and civil society organisations, all committed to the deployment of sustainable infrastructures worldwide. For more information on its mission and members, refer to the FAST-Infra Group website.
The label functions alongside a Data Repository – run by Bloomberg L.P. – which hosts all the key reporting information, data, and other related disclosures required to demonstrate FAST-Infra Label alignment. Projects will have access to the FAST-Infra Application Portal and will be able to conduct a self-assessment to determine whether they comply with sustainability requirements and potentially receive the FAST-Infra Self-Assessed Label.
Subsequently, projects will be able to contact FAST-Infra approved Verification Bodies to undergo a third-party verification process as they seek to receive the FAST-Infra Verified Label. Once the selected approved Verification Body confirms that the infrastructure project is in alignment with the FAST-Infra Label requirements, then the project is granted the FAST-Infra Verified Label. The project can then promote its sustainable nature publicly. Having this label can help projects access investments that focus on funding projects that bring a positive impact to the world.
Armed with extensive experience developing sustainability standards for the infrastructure sector, GIB – as the Secretariat of the FAST-Infra Label - is offering a training programme to Verification Bodies to provide exposure and guidance on how to conduct assessments under the FAST-Infra Label. This three-day training course (~16 hours) will provide the Verification Bodies with the necessary knowledge and tools and an opportunity to participate in future label verification projects.
Verification Bodies must complete the training programme and conduct a final assessment (exam). Verification Bodies who pass the exam, will be invited to meet the label Secretariat and undergo an interview. Subsequently, Verification Bodies will be publicly declared as approved FAST-Infra Label VBs in the label’s website and the Data Repository.
If you are interested in taking part in the upcoming training of 2024, please review the requirements in section I. We invite Verification Bodies who comply with the requirements to submit an Expression of Interest in this link by March 15, 2024.
The Secretariat is also conducting an information session for Verification Bodies interested in learning more about the FAST-Infra Label and training program. This session will take place on 28 February 2024 at 13h00-14h00 CET. Please register here.
Due Date: 15 March 2024
Expression of Interest - Form: Link to Form
Send your expression of interest to: Andrea Betancourt (
Date: 7-9 May 2024 (3-day training)
Time: 9.00 – 12.30 am CET
Length of training programme: approx. 16 hours
Medium: Online
Price: CHF 1500 pp or CHF 3000 (for organisations bringing three participants)
Date: 28 February 2024
Time: 13h00-14h00 CET
Link: Register here
For more information, visit FAST-Infra Label.