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Opportunity to join the training programme for Professionals in Sustainable Infrastructure (FAST PSI)

Opportunity to join the training programme for Professionals in Sustainable Infrastructure (FAST PSI)

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.







Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Vsadsadsdasdasdasdasdoila!

  • A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
  • t to that field
  • t to that field

How to customize formatting for each rich text

How to customize formatting for each rich text
How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

The FAST-Infra Label Training Programme for Sustainability Professional

Do you want to

  • promote or attract investments in sustainable infrastructure?
  • integrate sustainability performance in your infrastructure project and report on it?
  • identify sustainable, low risk projects and support informed decisions on investments?
  • Register here

Practical information

Application Registration

  • Registration deadline: 25 October 2024, 11.59 pm CEST
  • Registration Form: Register Here
  • Cost: Varies depending on membership, sector and location. Refer to cost details below.

Training course

  • Date: 29 Oct -30 Oct 2024 (2-day training)
  • Length of training programme: 8 hours
  • Time: 12h00-16h00 CEST.
  • Format: Live, online via Zoom (link will be shared once payment is confirmed)
  • Price:  Refer to Table 1 (below) for details.

Open office hours to answer your questions on the training programme, every Wednesday from 4 September to 2 October in the following times:

Join our FAST-Infra Professional in Sustainable Infrastructure Programme

Are you a financier, government officer, project developer, or consultant looking to enhance your expertise in sustainable infrastructure or to implement sustainability in your infrastructure project? Our comprehensive training programme FAST-PSI will:

  • Introduce you to the FAST-Infra Label and labelling process: Gain a deep understanding of the Label and the step-by-step process involved.
  • Analyse in detail the Label’s requirements and criteria: Learn about the specific requirements and criteria that infrastructure projects need to meet to be eligible for the Label.
  • Present the online Application Portal: Learn about the role and usage of the Label’s online Application Portal.
  • Introduce useful implementation tools: Receive practical tools and guidance on how to adopt the Label and implement it effectively in your infrastructure projects.
  • Explore the Label’s benefits: Discover how the Label can improve project sustainability, mitigate risks, and enhance brand reputation.

Enhance your skills and contribute to the development of sustainable infrastructure. Enrol now to become a leader in the field and tap into a community of like-minded professionals!

Who should join?

The Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB), as the Label’s Secretariat, is opening this new training programme to professionals across the infrastructure development value chain:

  • Financiers: Enhance your ability to assess and support sustainable infrastructure projects, reducing greenwashing risks.
  • Government officers: Gain the expertise needed to develop and promote sustainable infrastructure initiatives that deliver long-term societal benefits.
  • Project developers: Showcase the sustainability performance of your asset and improve your risk profile.
  • Consultants: Equip yourself with the knowledge to support and guide infrastructure projects through the labelling process and sustainability assessments.
  • All professionals interested in the Label sustainability requirements and the labelling process.
  • Additional requirements: Availability to join both days of the training.

What are FAST-Infra Label and Online Application Portal?

The FAST-Infra Label is a credible, consistent, and globally applicable labelling system designed to identify and evaluate sustainable infrastructure projects. The overarching objective of the Label is to support infrastructure and create a liquid asset class of sustainable infrastructure. The FAST-Infra Label’s comprehensive framework is based on four dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, governance, and resilience), bringing together existing standards, frameworks and taxonomies. Application of the FAST-Infra label enables comparability of metrics across sustainable infrastructure assets. It informs developers of best practices and streamlines their ability to get an initial review before getting their sustainable infrastructure project financed. The Label has released Dimensions, Criteria and Indicators with cross-sectoral applicability.

The Label and its online Application Portal are initiatives of the FAST-Infra Group, an association that brings together state and public institutions, private industrial and financial players, multilateral institutions and civil society organisations, all committed to the deployment of sustainable infrastructure worldwide. For more information on its mission and members, visit the FAST-Infra Group website.

What is the training programme about?

Armed with extensive experience developing sustainability standards for the infrastructure sector, GIB – as the Secretariat of the FAST-Infra Label – is offering a comprehensive two-day training programme (~8 hours) to train professionals on how the FAST-Infra Label works, how to assess whether projects are sustainable using the Label’s framework, how to improve sustainability in your projects, or use it to identify sustainable projects to invest in. Participants will also learn about the benefits of the Label, including improved project sustainability, risk mitigation, and enhanced brand reputation.

Once you successfully complete this training, you will receive a certificate to designate you as a FAST-Infra Professional in Sustainable Infrastructure, equipping you to support projects in self-assessing against the FAST-Infra Label, to advise them on how to better address sustainability throughout the project’s lifecycle, improve the project’s risk profile, and comply with the Label’s criteria – as well as help fund managers and investors identify credible sustainable assets, support projects’ due diligence processes  and help making informed decisions about investments in infrastructure.

How to become a FAST-Infra Professional in Sustainable Infrastructure (FAST PSI)?

You must complete the training programme and exam. Attendance to the course is a prerequisite for taking the exam. The exam is open-book and will be completed in one hour during the time allocated for the training.

FAST PSI candidates who complete the course will receive a certificate confirming that they have attended the training programme, which will be valid for one year. FAST PSIs are invited to attend regular shorter sessions annually, to maintain their FAST PSI designation.

Training Content

  • Introduction to the FAST-Infra Label
  • Infrastructure and the Environment
  • Infrastructure and Resilience
  • Infrastructure and Society
  • Infrastructure and Governance
  • Overview of examples on positive contributions
  • Open-book exam

What are the benefits of becoming a FAST-PSI?

Additional benefits to becoming a FAST-PSI are:

  • You gain a recognized credential that indicates expertise in sustainable infrastructure.
  • You obtain a specialised understanding of how sustainable infrastructure intersects with green finance initiatives, including ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and how to implement, measure, and promote sustainability in infrastructure.
  • You will be supporting the transition to more sustainable infrastructure practices globally at a time when such practices are increasingly mandated, regulated and encouraged.
  • You will be able to establish a remarkable project planning, management, and execution, ensuring that projects meet high sustainability standards and attract sustainable finance.
  • You will connect with like-minded professionals, organisations, and industry leaders across the world, since the FAST-Infra Label is part of a broader global effort involving development banks, private investors, consulting companies, NGOs and academia.
  • You will be invited to exclusive FAST-Infra Label events (e.g. webinars, conferences, etc.).
  • You will join an exclusive community to share insight about sustainable infrastructure.

How can you join the training?

If you fulfil the criteria listed above, and are interested in taking part in the upcoming 2024 training, please submit your application here by 22 October 2024.

If you have more questions and would like to speak to a FAST-Infra Label Secretariat representative, just join the FAST-PSI Office Hours on Wednesdays from 4 September until 2 October. Join in the links next to the following time slots:

What is the cost?

Our prices vary depending on your geographical location. Special fees are offered to members of the FAST-Infra Label Community1, as well as for government officials, NGOs and students.


  • If you bring 3 or more participants from your organisation, you all get a 15% discount2.
  • Refer this training to a friend or colleague and get 10% off from your training renewal3.

As part of the mission of the FAST-Infra Label, we are determined to raise awareness on what resilient and sustainable infrastructure is, shape leaders in the field, and ultimately increase investments in sustainable projects around the world. We want to make this course accessible to professionals from across the infrastructure value chain and from all corners of the world.

Table 1: Fees for training and renewal

  • 1 Membership applies to FIG members and members of the Label’s governance bodies.
  • 2 Please note that your organization must submit one application for all the participants joining on behalf of that organization in order to have this discount applied to the total fee.
  • 3 The person to whom you have referred this programme to must add your name in the registration form. Once you complete and pass the FAST PSI training programme, your credential will have a one-year validity. In order to maintain it moving forward, you will need to renew your training every year. This discount will apply to the renewal fees. Refer to Renewal Fees in Table 1.

For more information, visit FAST-Infra Label or
contact Andrea Betancourt (

Further Reading