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FAST-Infra Access Programme

Co-funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and FAST-Infra Label, FAST-Infra Access programme aims to support infrastructure projects with high potential for positive impact and enable project developers to invest in sustainability improvements early in the project’s life, when liquidity is often a limiting factor, especially in low-income contexts.

What is the FAST-Infra Access Programme?

The programme provides a repayable grant to cover the costs of the verification process and obtain the internationally recognized FAST-Infra Label. This label certifies projects that meet rigorous Environmental, Social, Governance, and Resilience (ESG+R) criteria, enhancing their credibility and visibility among investors.

How does it work?

  1. Infrastructure projects seeking finance complete a self-assessment against the criteria of the FAST-Infra Label on the Application Portal (register and apply here)
  2. Projects reaching the FAST-Infra Self-Assessed Label are eligible for a repayable grant which would cover the cost of getting the self-assessment verified.
  3. Projects that are approved for the repayable grant select a verifier from the list of approved independent third-party verifiers.
  4. Successfully verified projects receive the FAST-Infra Verified Label and are showcased to potential investors and/or lenders, with support from the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat. 
  5. When FAST-Infra labelled projects participating in the FAST-Infra Access programme reach financial close, they repay the sum of the original grant.
  6. The FAST-Infra Access programme uses any returned sums to support other infrastructure projects seeking finance.

Eligibility criteria

Projects meeting the following requirements are eligible:

  • CAPEX: > $10m USD (smaller projects applying as a portfolio totalling at least 10M USD in CAPEX may also be considered on a case-by-case basis).
  • Stage: pre-construction or construction.
  • Status of financing: project should be in the process of raising equity and/or debt, or about to initiate a financing process; refinancing to be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Geography: Although the programme is primarily directed at projects located in countries on the OECD DAC list, there is no formal requirement concerning either project location or project developer’s country of establishment.
  • Sector: All infrastructure projects are eligible, provided the project has earned the FAST-Infra Self-Assessed Label. (know how to apply here)

Selection process

The selection process will take into consideration the following dimensions:

  • The scope of positive contribution to one of the sustainability and resilience objectives of the FAST-Infra Label.
  • The likelihood of the project reaching financial close within 2 years.
  • Technological maturity.

Additionally, the selection process will seek to achieve good geographical, sectoral and expected impact diversity amongst the selected applicants.

While projects do not have to be already self-assessed to apply for the FAST-Infra Access Programme, they will need to successfully complete the self-assessment through the Application Portal shortly after applying in order to be considered for the grant.

Selected projects will be informed in the course of the second quarter of 2025. The verification process can be initiated as soon as selection for participation in the FAST-Infra Access programme has been confirmed.

How to apply

  • Fill in the application form. 

Application Deadline: 30 March 2025.

We may contact you for additional information while assessing the applications.

Application form

Be among the first projects to participate in the FAST-Infra Label.
FAST-Infra Label Self-Assessment performed?
(The Self-Assessment can be done after the registration here)
Please add the name of the project here
Please add the name of the primary contact person here
Please add the email address here
Please add the name of the developer
Please add their contact information here (Website, Address, LinkedIn, Phone and/or Email)
Please add project website link here optional
Please add the forecasted CAPEX here (in USD)
Please select the name of the project country
Short project description, including envisaged financing structure (max. 400 words, general overview is sufficient):
Expected positive contribution to sustainability and/or resilience objective; quantify impact where possible (max. 200 words):
Please describe briefly the expected timeline to financial close, with focus on development stage and status of long-lead activities such as permitting, offtake and/or main supplier agreements, potential/actual partners (max. 200 words):
Any other comments
Privacy Notice
By submitting this application form, you grant the FAST-Infra Access programme permission to access the content of the above-mentioned project’s self-assessment application on the FAST-Infra Application Portal. Any information obtained through such access will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating your project’s eligibility for participation in the FAST-Infra Access programme and determining whether your project qualifies for selection to receive a repayable grant under FAST-InfraAccess.

Personal information submitted through this form will be used exclusively for purposes of contacting you regarding the FAST-Infra Access programme and/or the FAST-Infra Label. Your data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws. For more information about how we collect, store, handle, and process your personal data, and your rights with regard to this data, please refer to the FAST-Infra Privacy Policy.
Receiving Updates
I would like to receive updates, news, and information about the FAST-Infra Access programme, the FAST-Infra Label, and related initiatives via email. I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time.
Dear Submitter,
We have received your application.
Our team will be in touch with you shortly.

The FAST-Infra Label Secretariat team
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