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GIB Participates in the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris June 23, 2023

GIB Participates in the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in Paris June 23, 2023

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Incredible news from Paris! Global Infrastructure Basel (GIB) Foundation was part of the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact on June 22 and 23, 2023.  Called for by French President Emmanuel Macron, this summit took place in an international context marked by the repercussions of multiple climate, energy, health and economic crises, particularly in the most vulnerable countries. 

The event brought together leaders from around the world to shape a renewed financial system for the 21st century, focusing on fighting inequalities, climate change, and protecting biodiversity. Daniel Wiener and Nathalie Gaullier from GIB, proudly represented the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra) Label secretariat at the summit. GIB engaged in discussions on quality infrastructure standards and scaling up private financing for sustainable infrastructure, emphasising the need for emerging markets and developing economies in a side event at the OECD. 

Esteemed panelists of this remarkable session included: 

  • Vivian Nicoli, VP and Head of European Infrastructure of CDPQ Global
  • Christophe Dossarps, CEO SOURCE
  • Amélie de Montchalin, French Ambassador to the OECD
  • Nicolas Moreau, CEO HSBC Global Asset Management
  • Nandita Parshad, Managing Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Group EBRD
  • Daniel Wiener , President of the Board, Global Infrastructure Basel
  • Lida Fitts Director of Sustainable Infrastructure at US Treasury

The panel explored how sustainability standards like the FAST-Infra Label enable investors to save time and money in their due diligence and reporting work by providing structured data on quality infrastructure projects. GIB is committed to drive the transition to sustainable infrastructure and to create a more inclusive global economy. 

Stay tuned for updates on our efforts to promote sustainable development through the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra) Label.

Click on this link to view the panel discussion.

Further Reading