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Self-assess your projects under the FAST-Infra Label!

Start your FAST-Infra Label journey with a quick and complimentary Self-assessment. Earn the label by meeting all the criteria across the Environmental, Social, Governance, and Resilience dimensions of sustainability.

Process Overview

A step-by-step guide on how to receive the Self-assessment Label.
2 Weeks
Step 1
Sign the Application form
Step 2
Access the shared folder with your Self-assessment documents.
After the Application form is signed, the Secretariat will grant you access to the shared folder.

Find all documents needed in order to complete the Self-assessment.
Preview Drive
Step 3
Fill in the Self-assessment Workbook.
Preview Self-assesment Workbook
Step 4
Complete, return your Self-assessment Workbook and receive a report.
Note: Unsuccessful projects will also receive a report.
Preview Self-assessment Report
Step 5
Receive Self-assessed Label.
If the outcome of your report is positive you will be awarded the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label as well as one or more relevant positive contributions.
Step 6
Continue your journey with the Verified Label.
Note: The process will be made available in a few months.
2 Weeks
Day 0
Week 1
Week 2

Application Form

Be among the first projects to participate in the FAST-Infra Label roll-out.
Please add the name of the person within your organisation/project who will be the main contact point for the purpose of the self-assessment.
Please add the role of the person within your organisation/project who will be the main point of contact.
Please add the e-mail address of the contact person named above.
Please add the name of the company.
Please add the name of the project.
Please add the name of the country the project is in.
FAST-Infra Terms & Conditions
Upon submission of this form, the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat ('the Secretariat') will be in contact with the contact person named herein and deliver the necessary materials for the completion of the self-assessment. Upon delivery of the FAST-Infra materials by the Secretariat, the person submitting this form (“the Applicant”) shall carry out the self-assessment of the project in question (“the Project”) based on the criteria of the FAST-Infra Label and submit the completed questionnaire, as well as any additional materials required, to the Secretariat.

If necessary, the Secretariat may request additional information or documentation.

Based strictly on the information submitted and the claims and representations made by Applicant, the Secretariat will confirm if the Project can be awarded the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label or not.

Applicant shall be fully responsible for collecting all necessary information and reporting it as accurately as transparently as possible. However, where necessary, the Secretariat may provide clarifications or guidance throughout the Self-assessment.

If the Project's Self-assessment has a positive outcome, the Project will be invited to seek a formal verification through one of the Secretariat’s approved Verification Bodies, in order to obtain the third-party verified FAST-Infra Label.
Upon completion of the Self-assessment as outlined above, the Secretariat will produce a report outlining the results (“Self-assessment Report”). Should the Self-assessment have a positive outcome, the Self-assessment Report shall confirm the Project’s  FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label, with mention of the Project’s Positive Contribution as defined under the FAST-Infra Label. Should the Self-assessment have a negative outcome, the Self-assessment Report  shall confirm that the Project has not been awarded the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label, with mention of the areas where the Project did not meet the requirements of the FAST-Infra Label.

Applicant shall be able to share the Self-assessment Report with third parties or publish them as they see fit, provided that they do not alter their content or misrepresent their scope in any way. Should the Self-assessment yield a positive result, Applicant agrees that the Secretariat shall be able to share the Project’s name, information, and Self-assessment Report with third parties, or use and publish such information for the purpose of the further development and promotion of the FAST-Infra Label. The information that the Secretariat may share in the event of positive Self-assessment Report shall include, but shall not be limited to the following information pertaining to the Project: name; location (region); status (development, construction or operations); asset type or technology; project costs in USD equivalent; Positive Contribution under the FAST-Infra Label. The Secretariat shall not use the Project’s or Applicant’s logo in communications except with Applicant’s prior express written consent.
Commitments and Disclaimer
The Secretariat commits to following professional standards and all applicable laws throughout this process.

Applicant commits to providing all necessary and relevant information in a timely manner and ensuring that all such information is accurate, complete, and up to date.

The Self-assessment Report is strictly based on the information provided by Applicant as part of their Self-assessment. The outcome of the Self-assessment shall depend on Applicant’s cooperation and transparency. The Self-assessment Report shall be contingent on the information provided and the commitments undertaken by Applicant. The Secretariat shall in no way verify the claims and representations made by Applicant. The Secretariat shall not be motivated by any considerations other than those mentioned in the present Agreement.

Applicant understands and acknowledges that the Secretariat does not provide final verification services; such services will be provided by independent, accredited Verification Bodies (“the Verification Services”). The Secretariat will not contribute, intervene or participate in such Verification Services. The outcome of the Self-assessment shall in no way affect the outcome of a potential verification process, should the Project undergo such a process at a later stage. Applicant understands and acknowledges that the Self-assessment Report is not binding for Verification Bodies, which act independently.

Should Applicant decide, at a later stage, to engage a Verification Body to provide Verification Services, Applicant understands and acknowledges that the Secretariat shall bear no responsibility for the outcome of such an independent verification process, the results of which may differ from the Self-assessment Report. The Secretariat bears no responsibility for any discrepancy between the Self-assessment Report and the result of any independent verification process.
As part of this process, each Party and its related partners and affiliates (each the “Disclosing Party”) may disclose to the other Party (each the “Receiving Party”) confidential or otherwise sensitive information ("Confidential Information”). The Receiving Party in each case shall not disclose such Confidential Information to third parties or make it publicly available except with the prior express written consent of the Disclosing Party.

Confidential Information does not include information that is or becomes publicly available other than through unauthorised disclosure by the Receiving Party.

Applicant agrees and acknowledges that the Secretariat may share the information submitted to it as part of the Project’s Self-Assessment with the FAST-Infra Label Data Repository, which forms part of the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat and is not considered a third party for the purposes of this Agreement.
The Self-assessment timeline is entirely contingent upon Applicant’s cooperation and responsiveness.
There is no financial compensation associated with the Self-assessment process. Applicant and the Secretariat shall each bear their own costs pertaining to the self-assessment.
Relationship with the Secretariat
The Secretariat is an independent organisation. The cooperation between the Applicant and the Secretariat does not constitute a legal partnership, joint venture or other such business arrangement, nor does it represent a commercial undertaking for monetary gain. The cooperation between the Secretariat and the Applicant for the purposes of the Self-assessment process is not an exclusive arrangement.
Should the Project obtain a positive Self-assessment Report, Applicant and the Project will be able to use the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label logo, in accordance with the document “FAST-Infra Label Guide to Claims and Label Usage”, which shall be provided by the Secretariat to successful Applicants. Should the Project obtain a positive Self-assessment Report, Applicant and the Project  will be allowed to make public claims in reference to the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Label in accordance with the document “FAST-Infra Label Guide to Claims and Label Usage”, which shall be provided by the Secretariat to successful Applicants. Applicant may not make other claims in that regard, unless otherwise agreed upon with the Secretariat in writing.

Should the Project obtain a negative Self-assessment Report, neither the Project nor the Applicant shall be allowed to use the FAST-Infra Self-assessed Logo, or any other FAST-Infra logo. Unsuccessful Applicants and Projects shall not be allowed to make any claims pertaining to the FAST-Infra Label.
FAST-Infra Privacy Notice
Your privacy is very important to us. We will only use any personal information submitted in this form for legitimate business purposes, and in accordance with the law. You can consult our Privacy Policy here.

You have the right to access, correct, and delete your personal data, as well as the right to restrict or object to its processing. If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have any questions regarding our data processing practices, please contact the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat here.
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