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FAST-Infra Label Public Consultation results

FAST-Infra Label Public Consultation results

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The recent FAST-Infra Label Public Consultation conducted by the Secretariat of the Label serves as a crucial platform for engaging stakeholders from diverse sectors in shaping sustainable infrastructure development.

Spanning from February 1st to March 15th, 2024, this 45-day consultation period witnessed active participation from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, contributing valuable insights to three foundational documents:

The robust engagement during the consultation underscores a shared commitment to driving meaningful change and ensuring the credibility of the FAST-Infra Label. With 601 entries from 43 submissions, it's evident that stakeholders are deeply invested in advancing sustainability in infrastructure.

The consultation showcased a diverse participation, with civil society, NGOs, NPOs, and the public sector playing significant roles. Moreover, entities of varying sizes, from mid-sized enterprises to larger corporations, actively contributed to the discourse, highlighting the label's accessibility and inclusivity.

Geographically, the consultation witnessed participation from across the globe, with notable representation from Africa, Asia, and Europe. This global engagement underscores the label's relevance in diverse contexts and its potential to drive sustainable development worldwide.

Key topics addressed during the consultation include the strength framework to address greenwashing, a robust indicator range based on the most used standards and principles and the importance of an affordable verification process. The consensus emerging from these discussions aligns positively with the direction of the FAST-Infra Label, reflecting a collective commitment to advancing sustainable infrastructure development.

The secretariat recognizes that implementing a robust framework requires significant technical expertise to effectively manage the self-assessment process. To address this challenge, the secretariat will prioritize mutual recognition with other international and regional standards. Additionally, we will provide a specialized training program designed to enhance professionals' capacity not only in conducting self-assessments but also in developing, constructing, and operating sustainable infrastructure.

Moving forward, continued stakeholder engagement will be vital as we strive towards a more sustainable future. The outcomes of the Public Consultation provide valuable insights into refining and directing the FAST-Infra Label, paving the way for impactful and credible sustainability standards in infrastructure development.

Further Reading